Julie & Lauren Brierley of Calyx Builds
What benefits do you find being a member? – We first joined the PWB in June 2017 after a great networking night at the East Greenwich Yacht Club. Since then we have been taking advantage of the many benefits PWB has to offer. These benefits include having strong female role models who support our community and help to motivate us to grow within the industry. We also have found the meetings educational for both our professional & personal growth.
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January 30th 2018 PWB gathered for their Stragetic Planning meeting.
Over 20 members and new prospective members were in attendance. The night concluded with a Ted Talks video an open discussion lead by Sophia Karvunis on leadership and Carol O’Donnell spear heading our planning of the upcoming year.
December 8, 2017 event brings together
state leaders, RIBA’s PWB, NAWIC.
Women leaders in Rhode Island’s construction industry gathered
with state dignitaries and other guests on December 8th for the Annual Holiday Brunch in the Providence Biltmore’s Grand Ballroom.
Pamela House of Gilbane Construction Co., immediate past
president of the Rhode Island Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), moved all 150 people present with her welcoming words. “With all the terrible reports of abuse we are seeing in the news today, it is wonderful to be here with so many successful women in the construction industry, and with the good men who have helped encourage them to be successful,” Ms. House said.
The Rhode Island Builders Association was well represented, with RIBA Treasurer Carol O’Donnell, president of CRM Modular Homes and president of RIBA’s Professional Women in Building Council (PWB), acting as mistress of ceremonies. Also attending were RIBA President David A. Caldwell Jr.; Secretary Louis Cotoia Jr.; Jacqueline Pagel of Pella Windows, vice president of PWB; Thomas Furey and Eric Wishart, chairman and vice-chairman (respectively) of the Rhode Island Contractors’ Registration and Licensing Board (CRLB); and other RIBA members and staffers.
Also attending were Lt. Gov. Daniel McKee, Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, with other officials. The main speaker was
Elizabeth Tanner, new director of the state Dept. of Business Regulation (DBR). “We have the Statewide Action Team (STAT): That’s every state agency that deals with business, promising to respond to any problem in a timely and effi cient manner,” said Ms. Tanner. She made the point that key agencies, such as the CRLB, the State Building Commission and the State Fire Marshal, have now moved to DBR from the Dept. of Administration.
To learn more about the Professional Women in Building and the National Association of Women in Construction visit and
Officers installed for a second term 2017 – 2018
With RIBA’s Immediate Past Treasurer Steven Gianlorenzo, from left, Secretary Jackie Pagel of Pella Windows and Doors and President Carol O’Donnell of CRM Modular Homes were sworn at RIBA’s Annual Meeting at Quidnessett Country Club on October 3, 2017. Not pictured are Vice President Linda Bohmbach of Home Healthsmith, and Treasurer Sophia Karvunis of Closets Etc.
Many thanks to these women from the construction industry who have offered their time, talents and support to PWB!
PWB meets monthly, to network, hear informative and educational presentations, enjoy holiday activities, help the community, and simply to have fun. For information, contact Cheryl Boyd at (401) 438-7400,
New officers for 2016 – 2017 installed
With Immediate Past President Tracey Boyajian, left, at Via Roma June 7th are the New officers of Professional Women in Building 2nd from left, President Carol O’Donnell of CRM Modular Homes, Vice President Joelle Rocha of the Law Offices of Michael Kelley, PC, Secretary Linda Bohmbach of Home HealthSmith LLC, Treasurer Lorena Voyer of Davitt Design Build and Past President Cheryl Boyd.
Carol O’Donnell of CRM Modular Homes took the reins on June 7th as she became president of the Rhode Island Builders Association’s Professional Women in Building Council (PWB).
The occasion was PWB’s Annual Meeting, held at Roma on Federal Hill.
Other officers elected for the 2016-2018 term were Vice President Joelle Rocha of the Law Offices of Michael Kelley, PC, Secretary Linda Bohmbach of Home HealthSmith LLC, and Treasurer Lorena Voyer of Davitt Design Build.
Many thanks to these women from the construction industry who have offered their time, talents and support to PWB!
PWB meets monthly, to network, hear informative and educational presentations, enjoy holiday activities, help the community, and simply to have fun. For information, contact Cheryl Boyd at (401) 438-7400,